Pappie is a very rich man. I don't know how we are rich but it has something to do with electricity. And Opa's brother owns a brick factory. It seems that our family is very blessed. Pappie and Mammie bought all of us children a house. Mine was purchased when I was born. Maybe I will have a garden like we have now.

Our garden has many trees. We have four different kinds of mangoes: Madu, Golak, Gandeng (which grows in pairs like cherries), and Aromanis. Also growing all over our plantation is semanka (papaya), pisang (banana) and assam (tamarind) trees. But it is our Jackfruit tree that will be our main source of food now that the war has started. They are bearing lots of fruit which weigh up to 40 lbs. and grow closest to the house. The villagers are welcome to take what they need. We must share the wealth.
Wow, I have never heard of Jackfruit trees. What do they taste like? I would love to have a papaya tree growing in my back yard.
Jackfruit is very, very sweet and juicy and good. Mom says mmmmmmmm. There is canned jackfruit in Chinese supermarkets, but it might not be exactly the same. Click on the picture and you'll see what one looks like from the inside.
Okay, I'm sold on the fruit. Tastes like Bananas and Juciy Fruit gum. No wonder your mom said "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"!!!
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